Thursday, February 19, 2015

La Grande Arche

La Grande Arche

Known as as a modern monument, the Grande Arche, is located at the heart of the La Defense, a business district in Paris. The construction of the monument began in 1985 and was built by architect, Johann Otto Von Spreckelsen. However, the purpose of the Grande Arche was to become a centerpiece for the La Defense, due to the lack of culture and attraction in the area. The arc was completed in 1989 and has a measurement of 110 m (361 ft) in height. Due to its location in a business district, the monument has thirty-five floors, which are used as conference rooms and office space. 

Unusual Facts:
  1. The Grande Arche is apart of the "Grand Projects", a construction created by former president Francois Mitterrand. The purpose of the "Grand Projects" was to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the French Revolution and to promote culture.
  2. The archway of the monument is large enough to fit the Notre Dame under it. 
  3. The La Grande Arche had four courtyards that used to be open to the public, however, these areas are permanently closed due to elevator problems. 

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